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of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 282 FARNHAM, Rufas was born in Washington county New York, February 2, 1822, and remained there following the lumbering business, until he me to St. Anthony, Minnesota, October 23, 1849. He followed lumbering until 1853, when he located on his present farm. In February 1849, he married Miss Eliza J. Gillespie, of Baring, Washington county, Maine. They have had twelve children, eight of whom are living. |
"Minneapolis, Portrait of the Past", collected
and compiled by Edward A. Bromley, Voyageur Press Inc.
FARNHAM, Sumner Sumner Farnham came to St. Anthony April 1, 1848, from Calais, Maine. In 1850 he leased of Franklin Steele the first saw mill in St. Anthony, and ran it until 1855, when his own at the lower end of Hennepin Island was completed. He was a member of the firm of Tracy & Farnham, the first bankers in the town. The lumber firm of Farnham and Lovejoy was organized about 1856, and continued until recently. Mr. Farnham has devoted himself quite closely to his large business interests, but has been a useful and helpful member of the community at large. He was a member of the old board of water commissioners. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 545 FARRINGTON, Albert E. was born at Conway, New Hampshire, in 1816. He came to Minnesota, 1855, and located at Maple Grove, where he engaged in farming nine years. He exchanged his farm for one in Hassan, Minnesota, and removed there at once, where he lived until 1874, when he came to Minneapolis. Since, he has been dealing in real estate, also buying and selling horses. Mr. Farrington is now proprietor of the Fourth Avenue hotel. His sons are engaged in a livery and sale stable. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 545 FARRINGTON, G. F. came from Boston in 1879, where he had been engaged in the merchant tailoring business for some time previous. He located at 219 Hennepin Avenue, in April of the same year. Here he remained until March, 1880, when he leased his present location, a store room with manufacturing establishment on third floor, at 239 Nicollet Avenue. Mr. Farrington though comparatively young, is a very enterprising and successful business man. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 274 FAUE, Henry a native of Germany, was born in 1826: Emigrated to America in 1851; he lived on Long Island three years, then moved to Hennepin county in 1854, and located where he now resides. Enlisted in Company H Third Minnesota in 1864. Served one year, and was honorably discharged at St. Paul. Married in Germany to Louisa Gust, in 1849; have eight children, Louis, John, Lizzie, Henry, Annie, Mena, Jennie, and William. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 545 FEDERSPIL, W. D. (one of the earliest settlers) was born in France, 1824. He came to the United States in 1853, and settled first at Port Washington, Wisconsin. In 1854 he came to St. Anthony and followed the blacksmith's trade there until 1856, when he removed to the west side of the river, and is now one of the oldest blacksmiths in the business in Minneapolis. Mr. Federspil was married in 1847, to Margaret Weber, of Luxembourg. They have seven children living: Catherine, Jean P., John, Mary, Josephine, Annie and Nicholas. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 545 FEEK, Robert is a native of England, born January 8th, 1834. He went to Ogdensburg, New York, in 1856, where he remained seven years; thence to Ontario, where he was engaged in the hotel business several years. He established a restaurant in Minneapolis in 1879, where he has since resided. Mr. Feek married Miss Sophia Dove in 1865, who bore him one son, Robert G. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 545 FELCH, J. C. was born in Grafton county, New Hampshire, May 10th, 1842. At the age of eighteen he learned telegraphy, and continued in that business eight years. In the spring of 1869, he was elected to the house of representatives of New Hampshire, for one year. He came to Minneapolis in the fall of the same year; the spring following removed to Fort Abercrombie, Dakota; where he was postmaster three years. He then returned to this city, and in 1875 he engaged with the Pettit mill, and has remained with them since. Mr. Felch married Miss Annie Frott, October, 1876. They have one child, Gertie M. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 545 FENDER, W. J. Of the firm of Fender and Cuthbertson, was born at Kingston, Ontario, September 14th, 1839. He came to Minneapolis in 1867, where he worked seven years at pattern making, In 1874 he entered into partnership with J. Cuthbertson and built the La Croix or French purifiers. Mr. Fender is the inventor of the "Standard Purifiers," about three hundred of which are in use in this city. This purifier is in use in all parts of the world where flour is made. It was invented in 1874, and since then several improvements have been made. Mr. Fender is also a member of the firm of Gunn, Cross and Co., whose establishment contains all kinds of general mill supplies. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 545 FELT, Frank B. of the firm of H. G. Harrison Co., started in the grocery business, in Minneapolis, in 1868, in the employ of B. S. Bull and Company. He remained with them three years, and was afterwards with Newell and Harrison, eight years. He entered the firm now known as H. G. Harrison & Co., June 10th, 1880. This firm occupies the front rank of grocery houses in the north-west. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 546 FERGUSON, John is a native of Scotland and was born in 1849. He came to the United States at the age of ten, and learned the trade of millwright, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1861 he enlisted in company "I" First regiment United States Artillery; he was in service until August, 1865, and participated in all engagements of the company. On his return he removed to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he remained two years, coming to Minneapolis in 1867. He engaged in carpentering six years and has since been in the millwright business, throughout the northwest; he has been in the Crown Roller mill since November, 1879. Mr. Ferguson was married June 21st, 1871, to Miss Isabella Savage; they are parents of two children, Isabella and John. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 253 FERGUSON, William H. born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1816. Emigrated to America in 1825, and settled in Maryland. Married in 1845 to Lydia Dale Esty. Taught school in Rockland county, New York, five years, and was railroad agent in Chemung county five years. Moved to Minnesota in 1854, and settled on what is now known as Ferguson's Point. His house was the resort for the Indiana. He was drowned November 22d, 1867. They had two children. Mrs. Ferguson was married in 1862 to Frederick Holtz, of Prussia, who enlisted in Company G, 4th. Minnesota Volunteers, in November, 1861, and was wounded at Corinth, Mississippi, in July, 1862. Died at Minneapolis, January 16th, 1869. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FERRANT, Emil M. son of one of the earliest settlers, Martin Ferrant, was born in St. Anthony, September 7th, 1854. Here he received his early education, until 1872, when he went to Europe to complete his studies. He returned in 1878, locating in Minneapolis, where he still resides and is engaged with the well known firm of Smith and Scribner. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FERRIER, Charles a native of Scotland, was born December 8th, 1852. His childhood was passed on a farm, but at the age of fourteen he learned the trade of blacksmithing, in which business he continued until 1872, when he emigrated to America. He located at Winona, Minnesota, where he was in the employ of the Winona and St. Peter railroad two years; he then removed to Wells, Minnesota, where he was engaged with the Southern Minnesota railroad six months; thence to Nebraska and to Mason City, Iowa, where he opened a shop and worked at his trade until coming to this city in the spring of 1876. Mr. Ferrier was married to Miss Lydia Rust, in 1876, who bore him one daughter, Flossie F. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FESSLER, A. H. was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1849. At the age of twelve he commenced to learn milling, and has been since the completion of his trade engaged in different mills from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. He came to Minneapolis in 1872, where he remained two years, and after visiting various towns in the state, spent two years in California, returned in 1878, and at once engaged with Washburn and Company. He is now head miller of the Washburn "B." Mr. Fessler married Miss Kate Lessman, July, 1878. They are parents of one child, Gertrude. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FIELD, J. W. was born May 2d, 1853, in Dexter, Jefferson county, New York. He engaged in the boot and shoe business at Utica, New York, a number of years, when he decided to come West. He removed from that city to Minneapolis in 1876, where he at once opened an establishment in the same line of business. He makes a specialty of Burt's men's shoes. Mr. Field was married in 1876, to Ella J. Wager, of Oneida, Madison county, New York. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 348 FINLEY, Owen was born in New York city, in 1845. In early life he went with his parents to Watertown, Wisconsin, and worked at the carpenter's trade; in 1873, he removed to Minneapolis and continued working at his trade until he was given charge of the Cemetery of the Immaculate Conception, which is now under his immediate care. Mr. Finley enlisted in 1862, in the Twenty-eighth Wisconsin, Company G, and served over three years. He married Maria Magerty in 1876. They have five living children. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FISHER, W. A. was born in Illinois in 1847. In 1860 he came to Minneapolis and was engaged in farming three years, after which he enlisted in the Eleventh Minnesota regiment. He remained in service one year, when he returned to this city and attended school. In company with C. H. Cole and E. H. Chittenden, (1876) he built the steamer "Monticello'' and ran the same between this city an St. Cloud for three years. Mr. Fisher engaged in the restaurant business, in the "Market Restaurant," in 1879, furnishing that year fifty-five thousand seven hundred meals. In 1867 he married Miss Mary Smith. Their children are: Alberty, Ernest, Lizzie and Minnie. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FITCH, Thomas attorney at law, was born in New York, 1838. He moved to San Francisco, California, where he read law with Judge Shafter, and was admitted to the bar in 1864. The same year, in Nevada, he opened his first office, and practiced his profession until the expiration of his term in congress, in 1871, when he was employed by parties in New York to attend to some mining litigation in Salt Lake, after which he was engaged by Brigham Young as attorney and counsel. During his stay he was elected as senator from a proposed state, with a constitution providing for the surrender of polygamy. The subject, however, did not receive the attention of congress. Mr. Fitch spent two years in traveling through Europe, the South, and California, after which he remained four years in Arizona, engaged in practicing his profession. In 1880 he removed to Minneapolis, and formed a partnership with Mr. Morrison, known as the firm of Morrison and Fitch. He was married in San Francisco in 1863, to Mrs. Annie M. Shultz. |
listed in the proceedings and report of the annual
meetings of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, May 11,
1899 and 1900. FLANDRAU, Charles E. was born in New York City on July 15, 1828. Came to Minnesota in November, 1853, in company with Horace R. Bigelow. Judge Flandrau landed in St. Paul and formed a partnership with Mr. Bigelow under the firm name of Bigelow & Flandrau. He soon determined to settle in the village of Traverse des Sioux. He was a member of the Territorial Constitutional Convention of 1857. In 1856 he was appointed by President Pierce agent of the Sioux Indians. While in this position he took an active part in the punishment of the Indians who participated in the Spirit Lake and Springfield massacres, and was instrumental in the rescue of the captive women taken by them on that occasion. He was appointed judge of the supreme court of the Territory of Minnesota by President Buchanan July 17, 1857. During the same year he was elected associate justice of the supreme court. Judge Flandrau was in command of the forces in defense of New Ulm in August, 1862, when the Sioux massacre was in progress, having volunteered with a company and went to the most exposed town in the region on hearing of the outbreak. In 1864 he resigned his position on the supreme bench and commenced the practice of law in Nevada, but returned to Minnesota inside of one year and formed a partnership with Judge Atwater at Minneapolis. In the same year he was elected city attorney of that city. In 1870 he moved to St. Paul. In 1867 he was Democratic candidate for governor, but was defended by William R. Marshall. Judge Flandrau has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Isabella R. Densmore of Kentucky, to whom he was married in August, 1859, Mrs. Flandrau died June 30, 1867, leaving two daughters, Mrs. Tilden R. Selmes and Mrs. F. W. M. Cutcheon. On February 28, 1871, Judge Flandrau married Mrs. Rebecca B. Riddle, daughter of Judge William McCluer of Pittsburgh. They have two sons, Charles M. and William Blair McC. Flandrau. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 546 FLEER, Herman pastor of St. John's Church, was born at Westfalen, Germany, May 20th, 1852. Came to America the same year, and settled in Gasconada county, Missouri. Spent his boyhood, on his father's farm, until January, 1871, when he went to Elmhurst, Illinois, and entered the Evangelical Protestant Seminary. Remained there four years, received a certificate entitling him to admission into the theological seminary at Marthasville, Missouri, entered and graduated June 21st, 1878. Was ordained in St. Louis on the same day, and appointed to this charge. Also has charge at Osseo, Champlin, and Medicine Lake, which places he visits once in three weeks. |
listed in the proceedings and report of the annual
meetings of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, May 11,
1899 and 1900. FLETCHER, Loren was born April 10, 1833, at Mount Vernon, Kennebec County, Maine. His father was a farmer and gave his children the best educational privileges that the neighborhood afforded. At the age of seventeen he undertook to learn the stonecutter's trade, but a short experience satisfied him that a mercantile business would be more agreeable to him, and he went to Bangor and obtained a situation in a shoe store, where he remained for three years. Later he decided to come west, and after spending a few months at Duluth took the steamer for St. Anthony, where he arrived in August, 1856. Here he found employment at first as clerk in a store, and later entered the service of Dorilius Morrison, who was then engaged in the lumber business, and remained with him for three years. In 1860, he went into partnership with E. L. Allen, as dealers in dry goods, on Bridge Square, Minneapolis, and the following year, in partnership with C. M. Loring, established a general store on Nicollet avenue, opposite the old city hall, dealing largely in lumbermen's supplies, which business they conducted for fifteen years. Later they operated the Galaxy and Minnetonka Mills for several years, and also engaged in other enterprises, the firm continuing in business successfully and pleasantly for thirty- two years. Mr. Fletcher represented his district in the state legislature in 1875, 1877, 1881 and 1883; the last two years he was speaker of the house. In 1892 he was elected to congress, and re-elected in 1894, 1896, 1898 and 1900. His record in congress is an honorable one, and his increasing majorities at each election is an evidence of his popularity at home. Mr. Fletcher is, and always has been, a Republican. He was married to Miss Amorett J. Thomas, of Bar Harbor, Me., in 1856. Mrs. Fletcher died at Minneapolis in 1892. (SEE ALSO BELOW) As listed in the proceedings and report of the annual meetings of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, May 11, 1899 and 1900. FLETCHER, Amorett J. ( Thomas ) was born at Edom, Mount Desert Island, now Bar Harbor, in 1840. Her father, John Thomas. was a sea captain. She was married to Loren Fletcher in 1856. She was highly educated, a most estimable lady and prominent in social circles of the city, and the gentleness of her character endeared her to those who became acquainted with her. She died at their home in Minneapolis Jan. 13, 1892. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 548 FLOYD, G. W. was born in Watertown, New York, April 28th, 1842. He acquired a knowledge of photography in Cincinnati, Ohio. He engaged in his business several years before coming to Minneapolis in 1871. Soon after his arrival, he took charge of the operating department of Mr. Jacoby's gallery. In August 1875, Mr. Floyd opened an establishment for himself, and does a large business. He was married to Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Minneapolis, in 1875. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 218 FOGARTY, Patrick was born in Ireland in 1840; came to this country in 1857, and settled in Richfield township. He was four years in the employ of the government, driving team. In 1862 was with General Sibley on his Indian Expedition. Purchased the farm on which he has since resided, in 1865. He now has thirty acres under cultivation. Was married in January, 1869, to Bridget Carrol, by whom he has had seven children, Mary, Maggie, Ellen. Bridget, Willie, Annie and Denis. |
From "Our Independence
1854-1981" Publisher unknown. Submitted by Claudine
Pearson FOGLEMAN, William - and his
family came to Independence with the first group of
settlers in 1855. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FOREMAN, Samuel was born in Baltimore, in 1840. In early life he moved to Louisville, Kentucky, thence to Indiana; he lived in several cities in that state, and in 1874, removed to Minneapolis. Mr. Foreman learned his trade, that of a blacksmith at the age of fifteen and has been engaged in the same since. He was married in April, 1877 to Miss Irena McKey, who bore him one daughter, Lillie, who died in 1880. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FORLER, John is a native of Canada, and was born February 22d, 1840. He lived on a farm until nineteen years of age when he learned the tanner's trade. In 1863, he came to Minneapolis, and in company with Mr. Harvey, engaged in photography; he sold to his partner after an experience of fourteen months. He removed to his present location in 1876, where he has a large stock of new and second hand furniture. Mr. Forler was married to Miss Mary Stokes in 1874. They have three children. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FORSYTH, W. was born at Kingston, Canada, in 1842. At the age of fourteen he learned wagon-making; serving an apprenticeship of six years, and has since been continually in the business. In 1864, he went to Toronto, Canada, and the next year removed to Titusville, Pennsylvania. In April, 1872, he removed to St. Paul; thence to Minneapolis in September of the same year. He worked for various parties in wagon-making until 1879, when the firm of Driscoll and Forsyth was formed, and has since continued. He was married in 1864 to Miss Elizabeth H. Scott. They have one son and three daughters. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FORTIER, C. J. was born in Lower Canada, July 26th, 1843. He moved to Maine in 1851, where he remained eleven years at that time going to California, remaining five years. In 1869, he came to Minneapolis and engaged in lumbering two years, in the grocery business two and one-half years, then opened the meat market in which he still continues his business. His partners are Charles Coplin and Wyman Costigan. Mr. Fortier's family consists of his wife and five children. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 218 FORTWINGLER, George a native of Germany, was born November 23d, 1823. He came to this country in 1854, resided in Ohio one year, and in 1855 removed to St. Paul where he remained till 1866, when he removed to Bloomington, Hennepin county. Kept a hotel at Nine-Mile Creek for two years, then purchased the farm he now resides on. Was married in 1855, to Miss A. Reisslei a native of Germany, by her he had four children, George and Caroline, twins, Julius and Julien, twins. His wife died and he again married; his second wife was Miss A. Renz, by whom he has three children, Amelia, Mary, Otillia. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 348 FOSS, D. M. born in 1820, in Strafford county, New Hampshire. At the age of eighteen, he went to Lowell, Massachusetts, and learned carpentering. In 1865, he came here and worked at his trade until 1879; assisting in building some of the first dwellings in the city, the St. James Hotel, and some of the principal places of business. Mr. Foss is now engaged in gardening; he makes a specialty of vegetables and small fruits. In 1845 he was married, at Lowell, to Eliza Murch, who has borne him three children. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FOSTER, A. D. one of the oldest pioneers, was born near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 22d, 1801. He lived on a farm until eighteen years of age, when he acquired a knowledge of the tanner and currier trade. After engaging in the mercantile business in Pittsburg, also in Washington county, of that state, he sold his interests and removed to St. Louis, Missouri. In 1848, he, being in frail health, came to St. Anthony, with the hope of being benefited. He came from Chicago with a team, and for a time, engaged in teaming, drawing logs fourteen miles, from Coon Creek to be converted into lumber with which to build the steamer "Gov. Ramsey." He lived one winter in a shanty sixteen feet square, for which he paid nine dollars per month. In 1850, he erected a store building, and was successful in business until 1856, when he was burned out. Since then he has lived almost a retired life, devoting a portion of his time to fruit culture. Although seventy-nine years of age, Mr. Foster is an active man and still reads without the use of glasses. He was married in Washington county, Pennsylvania, September 9th, 1824, to Miss Martha Ramsey. They have three children: Josiah, who resides in Indianapolis; Martha, who resides in Racine, Wisconsin;, and Lysander, who is a physician, in this city. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 547 FOSTER, Andrew J. one of the early pioneers of this region, was born in Cooper, Washington county, Maine, June 8th, 1827. He moved to St. Anthony, in 1849, and in the spring of 1850 engaged in lumbering, in which he continued two years. He then preempted eighty acres of land on what is now known as Franklin Avenue. In 1857, Mr. Foster retired from the lumbering business and commenced gardening on his claim, which he continued to do for seventeen years. He next engaged in a general real estate business, building and selling houses, etc. In the spring of 1880 he opened a grocery store in connection with his other enterprises. Mr. Foster first married Miss Abigail Getchell, of Washington county, Maine, who died in 1852. He remained a widower one year, when he married Mrs. Mary Averill of Stillwater, the ceremony being performed by Justice Hedderly, first justice of St. Anthony. Their children are: Ada, William, Owen and Elmer. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FOX, Stephen was born at Buffalo, New York, 1843. He engaged in farming ten years, when he entered the army as mechanic in the quarter-master's department. At the close of the war he returned to Erie county, New York, and engaged in milling; he was also employed in several states as a mechanic. In 1878, he removed to Minneapolis, where he has since resided. Mr. Fox was married December 1st, 1878, to Miss Mary Ruddock. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FRANKLIN, S. J. son of Samuel Franklin, was born at Minneapolis, August 21, 1856. He acquired a knowledge of the carpenter's trade and in 1876 was employed by the Manitoba railway company, in whose employ he remained three years, and has since been with the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul railroad company. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FRANKLIN, Samuel was born in Butler county, Ohio, November 29th 1818. At the age of sixteen he learned tailoring and engaged in his profession, in different parts of his native state and of Indiana, until 1852, when he came to St. Paul, Minnesota; where he remained until the spring following, when he removed to Minneapolis. He engaged in teaming seven years, and in 1873, again established himself in tailoring. Mr. Franklin was married to Miss Mary Halsey, in 1840. Their children living are: William B.,, Martha J., Mary L., Samuel, Jr., and Fannie W. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FRANKLIN, William B. son of Samuel Franklin, was born at Middleton, Ohio, in 1842. He came with his parents, to Minneapolis, in 1853. He enlisted in the Sixth Minnesota volunteers and served until his discharge in 1865. Three years later he was employed by the Minnesota Stage Company, where he continued as driver till 1873. He made a claim of 160 acres (1878), at Clontarf, Swift county, on which he has since lived. Mr. Franklin married Susana Sheran in 1875. Their children are, James and William. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FRASER, P. J. was born in Upper Canada, October 7th, 1847. He came to Red Wing, Minnesota, in 1863, and engaged in the manufacture of doors, sash, blinds, etc. He came to Minneapolis in 1869. The firm of Fraser and Shepherd, in 1879 built a spacious building, and now carry on the wholesale manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, glazed sash, brackets, stair raflings, scroll sawing etc. |
the Minneapolis Morning Tribune, Monday Dec 17, 1928 FRATENBERG, Herbert E - aged 69 years, of 1609 E. 24th st, passed away Sunday. Survived by his wife, Julia. Funeral services Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Earl Parlors. Interment Crystal Lake. Submitted by Jackie Ginn. (Jackie is not related to the above and does not have additional information.) |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 548 FREDERICHS, Cornelius first assistant of fire department, also of the firm of G. T. Vail and Co., was born in Germany, October, 1840. He came to America with his parents, when four years of age, locating at Detroit, Michigan. The spring of 1858 he removed to Minneapolis and engaged in cabinet making with his brother. In 1861, he enlisted in the Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and in the winter of 1863 reenlisted and was honorably discharged, August, 1865. Mr. Frederichs returned to this city and again engaged in the cabinet business with Mr. Vail, in 1858. He entered the fire department in 1871, was elected foreman of the Hook and Ladder Company, and in 1874 he was elected second assistant chief engineer ; in 1876 he was elected first assistant chief engineer, during which time he was engaged in cabinet and undertaking business. Mr. Frederichs was married to Miss Mary Lacher in 1862, who died June 16,1864. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 274 FRENCH, Allen T. was born in Ohio, in 1818. Came to Hennepin county in 1854, and made a claim on Crystal bay, Lake Minnetonka. In 1862 he moved to Minneapolis, and engaged in business until 1875, when he again returned to his home on Crystal Bay and has since resided there. In 1857 he suffered much from the Indians and grasshoppers, the latter eating everything outside, and the former begging everything inside. Married Martha Gibson, in 1852. They have two adopted children. Additonal information on Allen T. French provided by Great-grandson, Eugene Barnes. Eugene Barnes Allen T. French was born about 1818 in Columbiana County, Ohio, to Thomas French of New Jersey (abt 1773 - aft 1850) and Esther ___? of New Jersey (Abt. 1773 - aft. 1850). His parents appear in the 1850 census of Perry Twp., Columbiana County, Ohio. He married Martha Gibson, daughter of Joseph Gibson of Haddenfield, New Jersey (1777-1853) and Esther Snode of New Jersey (Abt 1777-aft 1857), who was born about 1834 in Ohio. Allen was a cobbler by trade. He and his brothers brought the first horses to the area into the Lake Minnetonka area with the Cox and Fogleman families in 1855. French Lake is named for his family and his brothers named Crystal Bay. Allen is said to have made a claim on Crystal Bay, later moved to Minneapolis, where he may have run a rooming house until about 1875 when he returned to Crystal Bay. He and his wife adopted Dollie and Mollie Keiff daughters of Henry J. Knieff and his wife Dorothea Shlafer. They were the 7th and 8th children of the Kneiff marriage and their Mother had died in childbirth. The daughters were known as "Dorothea," "Dora," and "Dolly," and "Mary", "Mollie," and "Mollie. Dolly married Stephen Hoover in 1887, and Mollie married Jack Early. The French family moved to Alsea, Lincoln County, Oregon about 1885 and resided with Martha's sister Mary and her husband Allen Reynolds. Allen French died in 1888 and was buried in the Tidewater Cemetery, Lincoln Couny. Dollie Hoover died there on November 25, 1888, the day following birth of her daughter Dolly. Henry J. Knieff also died in 1888. Stephen Hoover was killed in a logging accident on August 8, 1895. Following his death Martha French brought suit against the Hoovers and was granted guardianship of her grand daughter Dolly Hoover. Martha Gibson French died in Lincoln County Oregon in 1905 and is buried in the Tidewater Cemetery. Dolly Hoover married Nicholas Ludeman. Their granddaughter was the late Marjorie H. Hays, author of "The Land That Kept Its Promise," (A History of South Lincoln County). The Jack Early family resided at Lutgens, and on the north fork of the Yachats on a homestead on Early Creek. Jack was fisherman by trade, had several boats for hire to fisherman. Mollie his wife is said to have been a poet and philosopher. By 1911 they had the Kozy Cove Campground. They had one daughter, Annie Alsea Early. Jack Early is buried in Section 36 B, and Molly Early in Section 32 G, of the Tidewater Cemetery, Lincoln County, Oregon. dealt with the local canneries. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 548 FRENET, George a native of Canada, was born November 25th, 1842. He resided in his native place until nineteen years of age. In 1862 he visited Lake Superior, where he was engaged as engineer in a copper mine. Three years later he removed to Minneapolis where he was employed by Dean and Company, lumber merchants, ten years. In the spring of 1878 he was appointed on the police force, which position he has since held. His marriage with Mary Lebrich, of Michigan, was solemnized December 7th, 1865. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 548 FROTSCHE, Louis E. was born in Germany, July 15th, 1848. He came to America in 1854. In 1867 he located in Minneapolis, where he completed his trade, that of coppersmith, which he had begun at New Ulm, Minnesota. This city has since been his home. Mr. Fritsche and Miss Pauline Bader were united in marriage December 27th, 1879. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 334 FROST, Benjamin a native of Maine, was born in Hancock county, March 15th, 1830. His parents died when he was twelve years of age, and in 1855 he I came to Minneapolis, and engage in lumbering with L. Day and Sons. He worked on the foundation of the dam at the falls, and on the boom piers above the falls; also helped to run the first logs for the mill at Minneapolis. Married Ellen Cruikshank, June 25th, 1862. In 1868 he bought the farm where he lives, eight miles west of Minneapolis. They have five children: Edwin, Ada, Orin, Benjamin, Jr., and Elva. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co Page 348 FRUEN, W. H. a native of England,-was born July 15th, 1846. At the age of seventeen, he commenced learning the machinist's trade. In June 1865, he came to America and worked at his business in Boston, until removing to Minneapolis in 1870; he worked in a shop on Second and Cataract streets till the present factory was built in 1874. Mr. Fruen has been twice married, his present wife, to whom he was married in 1871, was Miss Henrietta Birquest, of Illinois. They have three sons and one daughter. |
of Hennepin County and City of Minneapolis, 1881.
Northstar Publishing Co. Page 300 FULLERTON, William was born at Hopewell, Maryland, in 1819. His parents removed to Pennsylvania when he was two years of age, and he remained there until 1833, when he removed to Ohio, residing in Lower Sandusky four years, and in Lucas county, until 1866, employing himself in carpenter work and farming. In the spring of 1864, he enlisted in Company G, First Ohio Sharpshooters, and was afterwards attached to the 60th Ohio. He was wounded in the hand, losing a finger at Petersburgh, Virginia, in 1864; and was honorably discharged at Washington, D. C., in 1865. In 1866 he came to Champlin where he has since resided. He was married in 1848, to Martha Crosby, of Ohio. They have four children. |